ATG EAR Creation

Basically two modes for EAR Creation, Development Mode and Standalone Mode,Main difference between these two is how the application access the Nucleus configuration information.For Development mode,the configuration information is accessed through the ATG installation and for other it takes from the EAR file.

Ant File

Application generally uses their own Ant build files to generate/create ATG EAR,it use  CreateUnpackedEarTask which uses clasees present inside assembler.jar.we can also use the runAssembler command directly.

runAssembler for development mode

runAssembler XXX.ear -m Modules.This will create the ear in the
exploded form which is generally used in our day to day development environment

runAssembler for standalone mode

runAssembler [-standalone] XXX.ear -m Modules.
This will create the ear in the  standalone form,which is used in production enviornment where you may not need an ATG installed platform to run the application.

Apart from the Modules specified explicitly through  the runAssembler or the Ant build files there are some other implicit modules which were created at the time of EAR generation -> ATG Implicit modules


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